How do i remove the cents / round?

These modifications make the Free Shipping Goal simpler and easier to read.

Option 1:

This option removes the decimals if the amount is a round number.

For example: $100.00 would become $100

document.getElementById('fsb_amount').innerHTML = document.getElementById('fsb_amount').innerHTML.replace('.00', '');

Option 2:

This option removes the decimals even if the number is not a round number

For example: $100.14 would become $100

document.getElementById('fsb_amount').innerHTML = Math.round(document.getElementById('fsb_amount').innerHTML);

Option 3:

This option removes the decimals by rounding up to the highest round number

For example: $100.35 would become $101

document.getElementById('fsb_amount').innerHTML = Math.ceil(document.getElementById('fsb_amount').innerHTML);

This script can be placed into the Custom Code Configuration box, as seen below:


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