What features do I get for upgrading to the Premium Plan? (FSB)

Features of the Premium version of the Free Shipping Bar include:

  1. Multiple active bars: With the free version, a user can configure multiple bars but cannot activate more than one at a time. Having multiple bars active simultaneously means you can show different bars to:
    • Desktop and mobile
    • Different pages
    • Different countries
  2. Geo-targeting: You can target different countries with different Free Shipping Goals. For example, foreign orders can have a higher target.
  3. Auto-scheduling: You can configure multiple bars ahead of time, allowing you to automatically change your Free Shipping Goal for a promotion and change it back based on the schedule.
  4. Auto-Currency Conversion: The bar can auto-detect the visitor's country and shows them the shipping goal in their local currency. The amount is based on our hourly updated exchange rates.
  5. Performance tracking: The app tracks how many the times the Free Shipping goal has been achieved. You can optimize the message, goal amount, and style of the bar based on this metric.
  6. Bar background image: Use a holiday themed bar background image to make your whole site more relevant to the shopping season.
  7. Upload your own background image: Put your own customized background or picture as the background.
  8. Custom Code Configuration: Advanced users can insert Javascript and CSS code to even further customize it.
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