Targeting: Shopify Markets & Visitor Location •

Please note, the following features require a premium plan subscription

This article will cover:

  • 2 types of location targeting
  • use case
  • setting up Shopify market targeting
  • setting up Visitor location targeting

Types of location targeting

There are 2 targeting options regarding location: Shopify Market and Visitor Location.

Shopify Market targeting takes into account the selected market that is in effect. Often times this can be set automatically, but it can also be set via a dropdown selector:

Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 2.51.21 PM.png

This targeting option works regardless of where the customer is visiting from. If they choose the Canadian market and there is a bar targeted to that market, they will see that bar.

Visitor Location targeting on the other hand does not look at the Shopify market in effect, but instead determines the country of origin of the customer and only displays a bar if that country is targeted.

Both options can be used together at the same time.

⚠ Please note
Shopify Market targeting requires that your shop use Shopify Markets and Shopify payments.

ℹ️ Note
Bars using Visitor Location targeting may take slightly longer to load than bars that don't use it. If both types of location targeting meet your needs, for quickest loading time, use Shopify Market targeting.

Use case:

If you have different free shipping minimums in different regions, you will need a separate free shipping bar for each different free shipping goal.

For example, if you offer free shipping in Canada on orders over $50 CAD, and free shipping in the US on orders over $65 USD, you will need 2 separate bars -- one for each different minimum.

You will then need to target the bars to the proper customers. If you are using Shopify Markets and Shopify Payments, you can use our Shopify Markets targeting feature, otherwise, you can use the Visitor Location targeting.

Setting up Shopify Market targeting

Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 3.08.29 PM.png

By default, the bar will display in all markets. 

When choosing to target markets for the first time, you will be notified that that app has no market data for your shop. Click on Sync Markets to load your market data into the app:

Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 3.10.28 PM.png

After syncing, you will see a list of the markets in your shop, along with each country in the currently selected market:

Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 3.11.15 PM.png

From here, you can click on a market to load its countries, then choose which countries you wish to target the bar to:

Setting up Visitor Location targeting

Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 3.08.48 PM.png

To limit the bar's display to only visitors from specific countries, click on the top list and select the countries in which the bar should display:

ℹ️ Please note
If countries are being targeting, by default, all other countries will not display the bar.

Similarly, to hide the bar from specific countries, simply click on the bottom list and select the countries in which the bar should not display:

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